Hello gentlemen welcome to the fediverse take a seat grab a cigar and puff away

@funnydank Hell ye we should host either Plemora or mastodon on glowers.club some day and then we can dab on the fediverse epic glowers style

@Administrator HOW TO SEE MORE COOL KF GOYS MY PUBLIC TIMELINE IS FULL OF BORING FAGGOTS bla bla bla remote connect muh ass

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@funnydank Public timeline only has people on the same server as you. If you want to see KF people, you can go to Federated and you MIGHT see some. Otherwise, the best way would be to follow KiwiFarms users, then you'll see them in the Home section.

@Administrator why MIGHT i see some????? are the jews already suppressing us oy vey?!?!?!?!?!?! Or are there just too many hentai fappers posting shit in public 👿

@funnydank No, it's just that federated tab includes EVERY known server that your instance federates with. So while you MIGHT see some KF users, you'll likely see more of people from other instances, which will be cringe and bluepilled. Following more people that you know are based is the best way to curate a good homepage that shows stuff you actually like
@funnydank The best way to find KiwiFarms people would be to go to kiwifarms.cc directly, and look at the Public Timeline section
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Joe's Mastodon

It may be Joe's site, but everyone is welcome! A general instance with an emphasis on maintaining an open Fediverse and common sense community moderation. Rules are simple and aim not to be too restrictive.