Show newer now has 5x more backup battery power!*

*about 15 minutes of it

joe boosted

after eating nearly 10GB of RAM, proceeded to fill a log file with 30GB of complaints that it didn't have enough memory. mysql would never do this to me...

joe boosted

unsuccessfully attempted to patch Need for Speed Underground 2 with high-res textures today. maybe because I'm using wine...

joe boosted
joe boosted

raid controller dropped a disk without any errors :|

joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted

people who write bots that spam all their posts in the same second just want to watch fedi burn has returned from the dead

trying out today. I''m disappointed there's no gist-like feature, but everything else seems nice. might migrate my repos

joe boosted

>pointless fedi drama
no thanks
>@igel is now a Korone poster
yes finally

joe boosted

why even bother providing your source code if your docs don't properly explain how to compile and run it

Show older
Joe's Mastodon

It may be Joe's site, but everyone is welcome! A general instance with an emphasis on maintaining an open Fediverse and common sense community moderation. Rules are simple and aim not to be too restrictive.