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One of my servers is down now because it ran out of disk space. Oops.

joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted

A secure messenger should guarantee that no one but you and your intended recipients can read or analyze your messages.

joe boosted

you must surround all lewd content with PURITY PROTECTION CONES and vow that you have NEVER used your copy of VLC to watch video content besides Big Buck Bunny, or else you will be expelled from the fedi!!!

joe boosted

Welcome to @trueroze. Don't forget to read the very basic rules at

joe boosted
joe boosted

Actually discovering some good songs thanks to the party going on at :ooh1:

joe boosted

Currently sitting on the side of the interstate waiting on a ride since my car died. The adventure never ends :silly:

joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted

Everything has been restored. I'm more motivated than ever to setup a regular backup procedure.

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Due to issues following a brief power outage my Matrix server is temporarily offline. I'll keep updated.

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Joe's Mastodon

It may be Joe's site, but everyone is welcome! A general instance with an emphasis on maintaining an open Fediverse and common sense community moderation. Rules are simple and aim not to be too restrictive.