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joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted

Everything has been restored. I'm more motivated than ever to setup a regular backup procedure.

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Due to issues following a brief power outage my Matrix server is temporarily offline. I'll keep updated.

Instance Moderation Transparency 

The following instances have been silenced and posts from their users will no longer show up in the public timeline:

Too many accounts from these instances post untagged and unmarked porn.

joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted

OK. Some people keep rating the app one star because I don't block an instance.

Unfortunately, their lack of comprehension concerning the Fediverse (manipulated by some propaganda) make they think that the app is not safe to use.

You have every tools with the app to avoid interacting with people you don't want to see.

joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted

Decided to start using Git when writing short stories. Anyone else tried this before?

joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted

@Gargron See, I told you that you should have named mastodon "gamer's haven" and called toots "intellectual body slams"

joe boosted
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Joe's Mastodon

It may be Joe's site, but everyone is welcome! A general instance with an emphasis on maintaining an open Fediverse and common sense community moderation. Rules are simple and aim not to be too restrictive.