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joe boosted

@icedquinn I lost it when they said they forwarded the report to the NCMEC

joe boosted

@grips Ah yes, your use of the sandwich chart to visualize the optimal bread to cheese ratio for the perfect grilled cheese is especially scientific

@lain All genius requires madness. That's how PHP was invented

@taylorlorenz All slang is made up, including "trendbait" which sounds particularly stupid

joe boosted

@Moon It's called microblogging for a reason. I usually mute people who post absurdly long threads instead of a link to their actual blog.

joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted
joe boosted
This is a request for help regarding Fediverse programming. Please reply with your ideas for different types of Fediverse, or Fediverse server, "achievements" or awards, or badges/credentials, that would be suitable in a decentralized context.


* Donator badge
* Most blocked instance user award, 2022
* Oldest user on instance

This is a brainstorm so don't reject ideas for being stupid just reply to this post with them.

Please share.

@Moon Don't bring up the FQ or the AFL will contact your employer

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Joe's Mastodon

It may be Joe's site, but everyone is welcome! A general instance with an emphasis on maintaining an open Fediverse and common sense community moderation. Rules are simple and aim not to be too restrictive.