@joe I downloaded debian 10 lxc template through the proxmox ui and deployed it and ssh'd into the container and tried to run the install script as advised here

and then cloned the repo and tried to run bundle exec cap production deploy
but the script doesn't even seem to install ruby properly.
@joe thank you! I will have a closer look at it soon

@nekojanai I got moebooru working on ubuntu 18.04 and danbooru on ubuntu 19.10.
if you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them

@joe oh wow nice, I‘ll message you later, or what did you do to install danbooru?

@nekojanai after running the install script for danbooru I manually installed ruby using rbenv: uwu.ryukyu/rbenvinstall

then I manually install postgresql 11 and created the user with createdb privilege

next I edited the .env with the db info and secret_token/secret_key values

then I ran these commands in danbooru dir: uwu.ryukyu/startdanbooru

finally I edited the nginx config that the script creates to point to the locally running danbooru app

hopefully i didn't miss anything lol

@joe lol yeah nah sounds easy enough, I just was hesitant to install those myself because the damn script told me it would do it and after two failed tries I gave up, I‘ll try and report back thanks!
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