guys, when explaining the to new people, just tell them to go away. no i don't care if it's not completely polite, if you try to make it more "polite" they won't get it. you just need to put the very basic understanding into new people's heads, GO AWAY

@butterbutt sekret club mentality bad. a purely technical explanation acts as either a good filter if they would be better off shitting somewhere else up, or the good outcome of a fair start on getting them away from abusive proprietary software otherwise.
and when dumb normals do join federated networks they without fail pick a giant pseudo-centralized instance anyways so you can just mass ignore them, there is little danger unless they go on to write bad code/force codes of conduct everywhere.


@fehho but muh sekrit club 🥺

I was actually making fun of someone saying we should tell people that fedi is just like email so they don't get confused and leave lol

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