@purism Looking forward to my ! It will be my first ever smartphone. I was waiting for one to meet my standards, and you finally made one 😀

@bigness @purism it meets your standards for an overpriced mobile device with mediocre specs?

@opal @purism It's not overpriced. You don't buy it for the specs. You pay for the work that goes into making a completely freedom-respecting device.

@bigness @purism last i checked, the i.MX8M is a proprietary arm architecture
@bigness @purism i'll welcome others to chime in to this thread if they have more to point out. im not gonna dig around for stuff others have already said

@opal @purism The hardware design of it is proprietary, but I don't care about that.

@bigness @purism in that case buy something cheaper, unlocked bootloader, flash aosp or lineage on it

@opal @purism Most of them would still require proprietary firmware for the wifi, and likely other components.

@bigness @opal @purism From a business perspective, you must charge more for small volume items to cover R&D costs. Apple and Samsung can spread their R&D and other fixed costs over hundreds of millions of devices. A small company can't do that. So the price is actually reasonable.

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