Show newer @fribbledom I wish they'd get rid of the . and .. files too. waste of space if you ask me

joe boosted
joe boosted

Note to self: Don't do maintenance late in the evening so I don't forget to turn the instance back on

comments appreciated here if you actually read any of it :silly:

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@mewmew coincidentally today is my instance's one year anniversary

Don't forget to cancel your Spotify account ;)

I scheduled this ages ago so let's hope my math was right.

well my matrix identity server *sort of* works. i'm taking a break

@nekojanai it's federated, so it can get identities from other servers, including

@nekojanai actually I'm being productive. setting up an identity server for my matrix server

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Joe's Mastodon

It may be Joe's site, but everyone is welcome! A general instance with an emphasis on maintaining an open Fediverse and common sense community moderation. Rules are simple and aim not to be too restrictive.