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@fediblock_archive What are you going to do about it nigger? I bet you don't even have a website

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BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted

New Frank Hassle video. Hassling people at the Providence, Rhode Island Walmart:

BIG Ness boosted

Let’s make this an actual #poll . Which one in this picture do you think gives the best head?

BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted

Man, my sides hurt. The juxtaposition of Eugene's "nice boy" picture, and the casual ableism and victim shaming.... It's too funny. I need to dial it back or everything else will look like a dog turd by comparison.

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Joe's Mastodon

It may be Joe's site, but everyone is welcome! A general instance with an emphasis on maintaining an open Fediverse and common sense community moderation. Rules are simple and aim not to be too restrictive.