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BIG Ness boosted

Don't you think Dogenstein would be a blast to play as in Super Smash Bros Ultimate?

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BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted

Seen uncountable times in movies, ads, press: Nordic men with not-quite-white-anymore-light-brown women (including thick dark eyebrows). Is it just me or does it feel like the promotion of race-mixing light?

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BIG Ness boosted

Announcing the Purism Librem Mini Small form-factor mini-PC that puts freedom, privacy and security first.

8th gen quad-core i7 processor, up to 64 GB of DDR4 memory.

With #PureOS, #PureBoot (coreboot +Heads) and #Librem Key support.

#LibremMini #privacy #security

BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted
BIG Ness boosted

A Twitter user received over 126,000 ‘likes’ after she bragged about stealing a “homophobic” white woman’s purse and spending her money on tacos.

BIG Ness boosted

The Swedish government will hand out the equivalent of $175,000 dollars from the inheritance money of dead Swedes without heirs to fund drag queen shows for children...

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BIG Ness boosted
@kaniini I would like to be on this working group, how do I apply?
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Joe's Mastodon

It may be Joe's site, but everyone is welcome! A general instance with an emphasis on maintaining an open Fediverse and common sense community moderation. Rules are simple and aim not to be too restrictive.